On these green rolling hills a quite has come over and just a few hours the sun it will rise.
This earth will be beaten by hoove and by footman and blood will be spilt no matter the side.
For the king has declared that war is upon us and each man in turn must now due his part.
For love of this kingdom for honor and rightness we fight full prowess and we fight full of heart.
Bring me my hammer, anvel and bellows for I must smelt metal into weapons of steel.
Be it sword, arrow, breast plate, or gauntlet, my work must be fast and I must do it with zeal.
I bring my lord's armor all polished and ready. I carry his weapons and mount him his steed.
For we must make ready to go off to war now and I as his squire must follow his lead.
Lord watch over me as I strap on my white belt and stay always with me as I ready to fight.
Pray watch over my brothers the archers and footmen for our danger are equal in protecting the kings life.
My bow has been strung and my arrowheads sharpened. Lord pray my aim be accurate and just.
For I charge into battle with my brothers around me and it is in there strength and mine I must trust.
My love he leaves now headlong into battle to fight for his kingdom his honor his name.
His sons stand beside me I've raised and I've tended and now must make ready for one day they'll do the same.
My voice is made ready to make hero's of mortals to weave into tales the deeds that have been bore.
As I march along side I look and I listen so that this glory not be lost to lore.
My troops stand before me the lowly and noble to bravely fight for what I believe.
Let me guide them in honor and stand strong beside them for a strike to each man is like a blow unto me.
For there is no doubt that war is upon us and each man in turn must now play a part.
For love of this Kingdom for honor and glory we stand together as one in strength and in heart.
For I have declared that war is upon us and each man in turn must now play his part.